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EOWEB GeoPortal version 2.1.2 now online

EOWEB® GeoPortal version 2.1.3 now online

EOWEB Geoportal is continuously improving to provide you with a better user experience. The new version incorporates the following improvements:

  • Bug fix: Segment start/stop-time errors occuring during the ordering of subscenes from acquisition strips either starting in the ascending portion of the orbit and ending in the descending portion or vice versa have been resolved.
  • Bug fix: In case of failed orders, the user now gets an information that an internal error occurred, so he can contact the orderdesk and re-order in time if applicable.
  • Bug fix: Some misbehaviours while switching between different EPSG representations of the base map have been solved.
  • Bug fix: Some graphical errors occurring within the handling of AOIs crossing the antemeridian have been solved.
  • User guidance: Order type (catalogue or future order) is now shown in the user’s order monitoring pane.
  • User guidance: Improved description for error handling during FTPES downloads of ordered data.
  • Improvement: Advanced criteria search for free-text fields has become now case-insensitive.
  • Improvement: The end date for future scenes ordering is now configurable and set to a maximum value in line with mission planning routines.
  • Further minor graphical and layout settings have been updated and improved.
  • EGP is under continous development, putting efforts in order to improve and validate features and functions. If you want to give us feedback and help us to further improve the EGP interface and usability, please send us a mail to geoservice@dlr.de.
    Requests regarding your orders should be addressed to dfd-orderdesk@dlr.de.