Get order or download permissions for additional data collections from the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA)

Data collections of the German Satellite Data Archive presented within our catalogue frontends EOWEB GeoPortal (EGP) , EOC Geoservice and EOC Download Service underlie different categories of access protection.
Whenever you run a catalogue query in EGP, green dots in the results’ table indicate that you currently have the respective rights to order this datasets, while red dots indicate that you currently are lacking privileges for the respective dataset.
Here you find a brief overview about our categories of access protection and the steps you can undertake to gain access privileges to additional data collections.

a) Data collections orderable in EGP without specific restrictions

Those are the data collections you can order in EGP with an online self-registered account.
Note: EGP offers a “guest” login as well. This enables you to browse datasets only, but you cannot order any dataset.

b) Data collections downloadable in the EOC Download Service with or without simple online self-registration

Those are the data collections you can download in the EOC Download Service with an online self-registered account or even without any registration.

c) Data collections orderable in EGP under specific license terms within the user permission self-management

Those are collections which have specific license conditions you explicitly have to agree to, but have no further specific access protection. You can gain access to those datasets by visiting the permission management of our user management system.

d) Data collections related to quotas and a specific scientific proposal process

For the following D-SDA data collections you can only get order privileges, after having passed a scientific proposal process:

e) Data collections with external order interfaces (EGP as catalogue only)

f) Data collections currently not orderable (EGP as catalogue only)

The access conditions for this collections are currently under discussion. For further information on the actual status, please contact the D-SDA librarian .

  • Landsat-8 collections
    • Contains selected paths over Europe from period 10/2013 – 10/2015